The Alberta Potters' Association was established in 1968 and has since been providing opportunities and support to our membership ranging from enthusiasts to professional ceramic artists for over fifty years.  Here is an overview of what has happened and who has been involved over the years. 


The beginning of interim meetings exploring the idea of aprovincial clay organization led by Luke Lindoe in Calgary. Les Manning, Santo Mignosa, Vic Brosz, Walter Drohan, Jim Marshall, John Porter. Rosalind Grant, Marj Beynon, Ann Hemingway and Allane Fraser joined the group in 1969.

June 1970

First newsletter by Tony Bloom - editor, Jim Marshall – publisher, announcing the slate of the first officers for the Alberta Potters Association.

Sept 1970

1st organization membership meeting held in Calgary, 72 in attendance.


President: Vic Brosz
Vice President: John Porter
Workshops: John Porter
Archive: Dave Green
Education: Walter Drohan
Nominations: Charles Hilton
Treasurer: Harold Falkenburg
Memberships: Marjorie Beynon
Rec Secretary: Ann Hemingway
Corr Secretary: Allane Fraser

May 1971

Societies document registered. Vic Brosz, Harlan House, Walter Drohan Les Manning, John Porter were the directors.

July 1971

1st APA AGM, Medicine Hat-Clay pits, Rattlesnake Coulee Field trip with 92 participants.


President: Vic Brosz
Vice President: Rosilind Grant
Workshops: Rosilind Grant
Archive: Dave Green
Nominations: Santo Mignosa
Treasurer: Harold Falkenburg
Memberships: Marjorie Beynon
Rec Secretary: Ann Hemingway
Corr Secretary: Allane Fraser

May 1972

AGM Provost, Mary Borgstrom hosts, Primitive firing. Les Manning is voted second president & Chairman of Ceramics International 73, Flare Square APA Raku week long demo at Calgary Stampede.


Ceramics International 73. Exhibit in new ACA gallery Ron Moppett curator, 1493 entries, 254 accepted. Jurors - Drohan, Savoie, Duckworth, Spurrey, Voulkos, Lindoe was chair. Conference of the International Academy of Ceramics, Banff, AB with presenters from USA, Japan, Italy, Mexico, England and Canada. Newsletter #17 – becomes Contact Magazine with Canada wide member subscribers.


President: Les Manning
Vice President: Dave Green
Workshops: Larry Weaver
Archive: Donna McKenzie
Education: Mary Borgstrom
Nominations: Margo Legasse
Treasurer: Harold Falkenburg
Memberships: Sylvia Manning
Rec Secretary: Allane Fraser
Corr Secretary: Jane Dietrich


President: Dave Green
Vice President: Tony Bloom
Workshops: Liz Mould
Archive: Mary Borgstrom
Education: Mary Soper
Nominations: Chris Hall
Treasurer: Duncan Currie
Memberships: Doreen Wayne
Rec Secretary: Allan Jensen
Corr Secretary: Sylvia Manning


President: Dave Green
Vice President: Tony Bloom
Workshops: Liz Mould
Archive: John Porter
Education: Elaine Harrison
Nominations: Tony Bloom
Treasurer: Duncan Currie
Memberships: Frances Schnepf
Rec Secretary: Allen Jensen
Corr Secretary: Donna Baalbergen

Sept 1976

National Ceramics Exhibition, Glenbow Museum. Jurors - Louise Doucette-Saito, Ed Drahanchuk, David Gilhooley, John Reeve, Don Webster. Other exhibitions - Alta Mud, Showcase 80, Variations in Vessels, Elements of Earth, AltaStudio Ceramics 111, Going for Gold, AltaVariations, A Different Point of View, Cups, Set the Table, Clay Creates Culture, Travelling Cone Box Show.


President: Liz Mould
Vice President: Don Wells
Workshops: Tony Bloom
Archive: Elaine Harrison
Education: Allan Hickey
Nominations: Elaine Classen
Treasurer: Dennis Evans
Memberships: Audrey Meeres
Rec Secretary: Florence Mckie
Corr Secretary: Donna Baalbergen


President: Liz Mould
Vice President: Done Wells
Workshops: Loraine Oberg
Archive: Elaine Harrison
Education: Tony Bloom
Nominations: Elaine Classen
Treasurer: Dennis Evans
Memberships: Audrey Meeres
Rec Secretary: Florence Mckie
Corr Secretary: Donna Baalbergen


Alta Mud.


President: Don Wells
Vice President: Jim Marshal
Workshops: Anita Dumins
Archive: Elaine Harrison
Education: Les Manning
Nominations: Elaine Classen
Treasurer: Dennis Evans
Memberships: Audrey Meeres
Rec Secretary: Ethel Dunn
Corr Secretary: Loraine Oberg


President: Don Wells
Vice President: Jim Marshal
Workshops: Conie Westrom
Archive: Elaine Harrison
Education: Les Manning
Nominations: Elaine Classen
Treasurer: George Guild
Memberships: Meredith Boyd
Rec Secretary: Carol Zerebeski
Corr Secretary: Loraine Oberg


President: Loraine Oberg
Vice President: Meredith Boyd
Workshops: Bob Pike
Archive: Elaine Harrison
Education: Les Manning
Nominations: Chuck Wissinger
Treasurer: George Guild
Memberships: Rita Pankonin
Rec Secretary: Carol Zerebeski
Corr Secretary: Adeline Lehrohl


President: Loraine Oberg
Vice President: Meredith Boyd
Workshops: Dennis Evans
Archive: Elaine Harrison
Education: Jane Alderwegan
Nominations: Kathryn Proctor
Treasurer: George Guild
Memberships: Carol Zerebeski
Rec Secretary: Shirley Rimer
Corr Secretary: Adeline Lehrohl


President: Loraine Oberg
Workshops: Dennis Evans
Archive: Elaine Harrison
Education: Shirley Rimer
Treasurer: George Guild
Memberships: Jackie vonFossen
Rec Secretary: Pat Evans
Corr Secretary: Alice Guild


President: Dennis Evans
Vice President: Gary Williams
Workshops: Annette Greenberg
Archive: Elaine Harrison
Education: Anita Dumins
Nominations: Doris Schuh
Treasurer: George Guild
Memberships: Jackie vonFossen
Rec Secretary: Pat Evans
Corr Secretary: Alice Guild


Alberta Comes of Age.


President: Dennis Evans
Vice President: Gary Williams
Workshops: Annette Greenberg
Archive: Elaine Harrison
Education: Monica Buchowitz
Nominations: Doris Schuh
Treasurer: Anita Dumins
Memberships: Betty Werner
Rec Secretary: Karen Orser
Corr Secretary: Pat Evans


President: Margaret Sundstrom
Vice President: Anita Dumins
Workshops: Kathryn Zolnai
Archive: Elaine Harrison
Education: Roseanne Nicholson
Nominations: Doris Schuh
Treasurer: Linda Howes
Memberships: Jim Lomow
Rec Secretary: Gwen Strojich


Symposiums, Seminars held biannually alternating between, Medicine Hat & Calgary, later between Calgary & Edmonton. Yearly AGM’s featuring demos, speakers and activities.


President: Margaret Sundstrom
Vice President: Anita Dumins
Workshops: Kathryn Manry-Zolnai
Archive: Elaine Harrison
Education: Marilyn Camp
Nominations: Doris Schuh
Treasurer: Lynda Howes
Memberships: Yvonne Lynch
Rec Secretary: Gwen Strojich


President: Margaret Sundstrom
Vice President: Anita Dumins
Workshops: Kathryn Manry-Zolnai
Archive: Elaine Harrison
Education: Marilyn Camp
Nominations: Bertine Stuart-Milnes
Treasurer: Janice Rochon
Memberships: Dan Taylor
Rec Secretary: Gwen Strojich


Going for Gold.


President: Anita Dumins
Vice President: Arne Handley
Workshops: Kathryn Manry-Zolnai
Archive: Elaine Harrison
Education: Jacquie VonElsberg
Nominations: Bertine Stuart-Milnes
Treasurer: Janice Rochon
Memberships: Dan Taylor
Rec Secretary: Gwen Strojich
Corr Secretary: Liz Menzies


Alta Variations


President: Arnie Handley
Vice President: Trudi Knight
Workshops: Drexel Walker
Archive: Elaine Harrison
Education: Jacquie VonElsberg
Nominations: Robert McMillan
Treasurer: Gwen Strojich
Memberships: Dan Taylor
Rec Secretary: Kathryn Manry
Corr Secretary: Margaret Sundstrom


A Different Point of View


President: Arne Handley
Vice President: Trudi Knight
Workshops / News: Drexel Walker
Archive: Elaine Harrison
Education: Megan Evans
Nominations: Jaquie VonElsberg
Treasurer: Gwen Strojich
Memberships: Joanne Thera
Rec Secretary: Kathryn Manry
Magazine “Contact”: Margaret Sundstrom




President: Arne Handley
Vice President: Susan Lindved Jensen
Workshops / News: John Robertson
Archive: Elaine Harrison
Education: Megan Evans
Nominations: Drexel Walker
Treasurer: Gwen Strojich
Memberships: Maurice Perrault
Rec Secretary: Kathryn Manry
Magazine “Contact”: Margaret Sundstrom


President: John Robertson
Vice President: Rob Mabee
Workshops / News: Frances Lowe
Archive: Elaine Harrison
Education: Richard Bates
Nominations Drexel Walker
Treasurer: Kim Mullin
Memberships: Pattie Tallman
Rec Secretary: Shirley Swanby
Magazine “Contact”: Pam Rodger


Newsletter, “In Touch” started. The show “Set the Table.”


President: John Robertson
Vice President: Arne Handley
Treasurer: Kim Mullin
Secretary: Shirley Swanby
Newsletter: Susan Thorpe
Education: Tracy Buck
Magazine: “Contact” Barbara Tipton
Memberships: Elaine Harrison
North Area Rep: Carol Bradley
South Area Rep: Ria Meloche
Lethbridge Area Rep: Theresa Hall
Executive Director: Barbara Morton


President: John Robertson
Vice President: David Settles
Treasurer: Kim Mullin
Secretary: Shirley Swanby
Newsletter: Linda Perry
Education: Darlene Williams
Magazine:  “Contact” Barbara Tipton
Memberships: Elaine Harrison
Exhibitions: Ria Meloche
Nominations: Drexel Walker
Lethbridge Area Rep: Theresa Hall
Medicine Hat Rep: Marilyn Pacheco
Executive Director: Barbara Morton


President: Trudi Knight
Vice President: Linda Perry
Treasurer: Kim Mullin
Secretary: Anne Barnes
Newsletter: Marilyn Justice
Edu / Programming: Diane Sullivan
Memberships: Paul Rozman
Exhibitions: Ria Meloche
Nominations: Kathryn Finnertyl
Lethbridge Area Rep: Theresa Hall
Medicine Hat Rep: Marilyn Pacheco
Calgary Rep: Willie Campbell
Grande Prairie Rep: Cheryl Brown
Edmonton Rep: Peggy Heer
Executive Director: Barbara Morton


President: Trudi Knight
Vice President: Diane Sullivan
Treasurer: Kim Mullin
Secretary: Linda Perry
Newsletter: Diane Sullivan
Edu / Programming: Marilyn Pacheco
Exhibitions: Elke Blodgett
Personnel: Linda Perry
Lethbridge Area Rep: Marney Delver
Medicine Hat: Rep Kitty Clark
Calgary Rep: Shirley Glew
Grande Prairie Rep: Cheryl Brown
Edmonton Rep: Helena Horak
Red Deer Rep: Alain Favre
Executive Director: Sheralee Hancherow




President: Trudi Knight
Treasurer: Kim Mullin
Newsletter: Diane Sullivan
Memberships: Michelle Campbell
Guild Liaison: Alice Collett-Switzer
Communications: Deb Clay
Volunteers: Shari Russel
Fundraising: Megan Evans
Lethbridge Area Rep: Marney Delver
Medicine Hat Rep: Sharon Sept
Calgary Rep: Shirley Glew
Grande Prairie Rep: Cheryl Brown
Edmonton Rep: Helena Horak
Red Deer Rep: Jennifer Creeggan
Drayton Valley Rep: Jody Robocon
Wabamun Area Rep: Tracie Mandreck-Rymer
Executive Director: Sheralee Hancherow


President: Alain Favre
Secretary: Kelly Komanac
Treasurer: Cheryl Heilman
Memberships: Stella Lee
Mary Kim
Education: Will Truchon
Exhibitions: Kathleen O’Neil
Election Committee: Linda Lewis
Newsletter: Arlana Sobey


Contact magazine’s final issue. Financial issues as magazine was now dependent on individual subscribers.


President: Alain Favre
Secretary: Kelly Komanac
Treasurer: Enzien Kufeld
Memberships: Stella LeeMary Kim
Education: Will Truchon
Exhibitions: Kathleen O’Neil
Election Committee: Linda Lewis
Newsletter: Arlana Sobey


President: Alan Knowles
Vice President: Craig Charlesworth
Secretary: Aleitha Ward
Treasurer: Tammy Parkes-Legge
Memberships: Tracie Rymer
Education: Ruby Sreben
Exhibitions: Kathleen O’Neil
Election Committee: Enzien Kufeld
Newsletter: Arlana Sobey
Directors: Kim Manhard, Enzien Kufeld


President: Alan Knowles
Vice President: Craig Charlesworth
Secretary: Aleitha Ward
Treasurer: Tammy Parkes-Legge
Memberships: Tracie Rymer
Education: Ruby Sreben
Exhibitions: Kathleen O’Neil
Election Committee: Enzien Kufeld
Newsletter: Arlana Sobey
Directors: Enzien Kufeld, Kim Charlesworth


President: Christian Barr
Vice President: Enzien Kufeld
Secretary: Aleitha Ward
Treasurer: Tammy Parkes-Legge
Memberships: Larry McIntosh
Education: Alan Knowles, Tammy Parkes-Legge
Exhibitions: Enzien Kufeld
Election Committee: Christian Barr
Directors: Craig Charlesworth


President: Christian Barr
Vice President: Enzien Kufeld
Secretary: Janis Venhuis
Treasurer: Tammy Parkes-Legge
Memberships: Larry McIntosh
Education: Alan Knowles, Tammy Parkes-Legge
Exhibitions: Enzien Kufeld
Election Committee: Christian Barr
Directors: Alan Knowles, Craig Charlesworth


President: Christian Barr
Vice President: Enzien Kufeld
Secretary: Craig Charlesworth
Treasurer: Tammy Parkes-Legge
Memberships: Larry McIntosh
Education: Alan Knowles, Parkes-Legge
Election Committee: Christian Barr
Newsletter: Enzien Kufeld
Directors: Auvery Reid, Joe Reid, Heather Fletcher


Clay Creates Culture.


President: Alan Knowles (acting)
Vice President: Enzien Kufeld
Secretary: Craig Charlesworth
Treasurer: Tammy Parkes-Legge
Memberships: Larry McIntosh
Education: Alan Knowles, Tammy Parkes-Legge
Election Committee: Christian Barr
Newsletter: Enzien Kufeld
Directors: Auvery Reid, Joe Reid, Heather Fletcher


President: Jim Marshal
Vice President: Harry Fix
Secretary: Sharon Aaltonen
Treasurer: Allen Jenson
Memberships: Sharon Aaltonen
Exhibits/Workshops: Les Manning
Newsletter: Sharon Aaltonen
Directors: Heather Fletcher


Proposal to disband the APA. Edmonton Executives overworked, burnt out. Funding reduced and not a lot of members interested. Committee from Medicine Hat makes a bid to keep APA active. Jim Marshal, Les Manning and Sharon Aaltonan participate in AGM, get voted in as new executive and a new proposal to scale back the fees, activities and newsletter and get back to “grass roots” managing. They introduce saving costs by using the internet to provide information. Rely on and encourage regional APA activities, gather together at the AGM’s. To cut back on burnout - Rotate the executive and region every two years.

2006 – 08

Medicine Hat executive, 40th Anniversary Cone Box Travelling Show at the Medicine Hat Esplanade Arts and Heritage Centre organized by (?) ( which travels until 2010!) APA portable display booth is introduced at this show. A personal photo booth is designed and demonstrated by (?) in a workshop held at the AGM which was held between the newly renovated Medalta Museum and the College with participants, a ceramic show, a pancake breakfast and a new Red Deer Executive.


President: Jim Marshal
Vice President: Harry Fix
Secretary: Sharon Aaltonen
Treasurer: Allen Jenson
Memberships: Sharon Aaltonen
Exhibits/Workshops: Les Manning
Newsletter: Sharon Aaltonen
Directors: Heather Fletcher


President: Brian McArthur
Vice President: Dawn Detarando
Secretary: Lara Holawenko
Treasurer: Anna Rasmussen
Memberships: Anna Rasmussen
Exhibits/Workshops: McArthur/Detarando
Newsletter: Dawn Detarando

2008 - 2010

Red Deer Executive, APA participates in the Works Art and Design Festival with a booth selling members’ work for 14 days. APA provides funding to regional shows and workshops. A week long wood fire workshop at the RDC with Martin Tagseth is attended by 12 members. 1st RD AGM held at City of Red Deer Recreation Centre and Culture Centre with demonstrations by Mariko Patterson and Martin Tagseth. Last Red Deer AGM is started a week ahead with a hand building workshop with Rob Froese attended by 12 members, website live at meeting, plate exchange, workshops at Red Deer College with Jack Sures, Cara Driscoll, and Rob Froese. Lethbridge executive voted in.


President: Brian McArthur
Vice President: Dawn Detarando
Secretary: Lara Holawenko
Treasurer: Anna Rasmussen
Memberships: Anna Rasmussen
Exhibits/Workshops: McArthur/Detarando
Newsletter: Dawn Detarando

2010 - 2012

Lethbridge Executive.


President: Elaine Harrison
Vice President: Louise Cormier
Secretary: Heather Macdonald-Sorochan
Treasurer: Karen Dormaar


President: Elaine Harrison
Vice President: Louise Cormier
Secretary: Heather Macdonald-Sorochan
Treasurer: Karen Dormaar

2012 -2014

Location of APA is Calgary. The APA conference, Off Centre: clay symposium was held at ACAD, May 10-12, 2013, with a list of distinguished speakers and workshop leaders. Juried show at Webster Galleries with artist reception May 10, (May 3-May 25) and hosted by ACAD. Well over 100 people attended. Cup exchange and Silent Auction were held and helped fundraise.

Speakers included: Greg Payce, Don Thompson, Ed Bamling, Stever Grimmer, Dawn Detarando and Brian McArthur, Barry Morrison. The Alberta Craft Council hosted a panel discussion. ACAD presented the upcoming MFA program in craft. The APA provided a $500 scholarship to ACAD ceramic’s department. ACAD ceramic students provided volunteer assistance. Katrina Chaytor was liaison for ACAD and provided substantial assistance in the development of the conference. 

In 2014, the APA board looked to reviewing the business of the organization and how to best serve its membership and the ceramics community in Alberta. A inclusive survey has been developed to map ceramics practices, whether studio or being an educator or administrator or as a business serving the community. From that information, the APA will develop a strategic five-year plan for 2014. Two bylaws were passed at the AGM, one to include a new membership category for businesses and other associations. The second included a clause for distributing assets and dissolving the association. As a registered charity, the APA must include this in its bylaws and its inclusion allows access to greater fundraising opportunities. In addition, a motion was passed to review the Alberta Potters’ Association name and branding.


President: Monika Smith
Vice President: Connie Cooper
Secretary: John Robertson
Treasurer: Krista Gowland
Memberships: Kathy Ransom
Directors: Carly Slade
Website: Connie Pike


President: Greg McRitchie
Vice President: Connie Cooper
Secretary: Darlene Swan
Treasurer: Krista Gowland
Past President: Monika Smith
Memberships: Kathy Ransom
Website: Connie Pike


President: Mynthia McDaniel
Vice President: Ashleigh Fryklind
Secretary: Darlene Swan
Treasurer: Giselle Peters
Past President: Greg McRitchie
Memberships: Rylee Petkau
Director: Kathy Ransom
Director: Connie Pike
Director: Nick Newton
Director: Teresa Wyss
Director: Patricia Denholm


President: Mynthia McDaniel
Vice President: Vacant
Secretary: Darlene Swan
Treasurer: Giselle Peters
Director: Rylee Petkau
Director: Cara Carter
Director: Kellsey Ronaghan
Director: Connie Pike
Director: Trish Denholm
Director: Kirsty Wilson
Past President: Greg McRitchie


President: shared by All Board
Secretary: Darlene Swan
Treasurer: Dianne Hove
Membership Director: Rylee Petkau
Newsletter Editor: Kellsey Ronaghan
Director: Connie Pike
Director: Kirsty Wilson
Director: Joe Martin
Director: Cara Carter
Director: Greg McRitchie
Past President: Mynthia McDaniel


President: shared by All Board
Secretary: Darlene Swan
Treasurer: Dianne Hove
Membership Director: Rylee Petkau
Newsletter Editor: Kellsey Ronaghan
Director: Connie Pike
Director: Kirsty Wilson
Director: Joe Martin
Director: Cara Carter
Director: Greg McRitchie


President: Erin Freed
Secretary: Erin Freed
Treasurer: Genevieve Goodhart
Director: Rylee Petkau
Director: Connie Pike
Director: Louise Brud
Director: Connie Cooper
Director: Cara Carter
Director: Gillian Boon


Twenty-Twenty Show 'Celebrating 50 Years'


President: Erin Freed
Vice President: Gillian Boon (Website)
Treasurer: Genevieve Goodhart
Secretary: Shannon Macnaughton
Director: Connie Cooper
Director : Monika Smith
Director: Louise Cormier
Director: Bob Acton


President: Gillian Boon
Vice President/Newsletter: Bob Acton
Treasurer: Claire Becq
Secretary: Cara Carter
Director: Trish Denholm
Director : Monika Smith
Director: Susan Thorpe
Director: Erin Freed

Director: Erin Baer


President: Gillian Boon

Past President: Erin Freed (Historical Committee)

Vice President: Bob Acton

Treasurer: Claire Becq

Secretary: Monika Smith

Director: Erin Baer (Social media)

Director: Amy Bouchard (Membership)

Director: Bob Barclay (Audit of Bylaws)

Director: Cindy Liu (Website)

Director: Gillian Mitchell & Bob Acton (Events & Coffee and Ceramics


President: Gillian Boon

Past President: Erin Freed (Historical Committee)

Vice President: Amy Bouchard

Treasurer: Claire Becq

Secretary: Bob Acton

Director: Hilary Jenkins (Communications)

Director: Cindy Liu (Membership)

Director: Ashley Morrow (Historical Committee)

Director: Emma Wissink (Events)

Director: Roberta Binotto (Newsletter)

Director: Laurie Steinbach (Rural Recruitment)

Director: Firuze Avci (Coffee and Ceramics)